Custodian Bank
The financial depository institution, Banco Itaú, is responsible for shareholder support services.
The available phone numbers are: 3003 9285 (capital and metropolitan region) or 0800 720 9285 (other locations), from 9h to 18h, on business days.
Attendance is also held at specialized agencies at the adresses below:
Rio de Janeiro: Av. Almirante Barroso, 52- 2º andar - Centro
São Paulo: R. Boa Vista, 176 – 1º Subsolo – Centro
The list of specialized agencies to attend shareholders is available on:
ADRs Depositary Bank
JP Morgan Chase Bank
383 Madison Ave, Floor 11
New York - NY
10179 | USA
ph +1-866-576-2377
Updated on November 7, 2024.